Alkborough Primary School


Our Governing Body:

Chair of Governors

Mr Charles Dent


Vice Chair:

Mrs Catherine Browne


Mr John Niland

Mrs Amanda Hinsley

Miss Julie Ashton 

Mrs Rachael James

Mrs Rachel Marston

Mrs Gemma Johnson

Mrs Joanna Coulthurst

Mrs Michelle Garlick 


Governor Responsibilities:

Governor  Responsibilities 
Mrs C Browne  English 
Mr C Dent  Maths/ICT/Appraiser/Data Protection/Safeguarding
Mr J Niland  Science/Art/DT /Appraiser
Mrs M Garlick RSE/Appraiser/Music/PSHCE/Childhood Resilience  
Mrs R James RE/French/PE 
Mrs J Coulthurst
Mrs G Johnson

Our Governing Body also has two Committee's:

Resources Committee

Chair: Mrs C Browne

Clerk: Mrs Hinsley  

School Development Committee

Chair: Mrs M Garlick 

Clerk: Mrs A Hinsley 


Our Governors: HERE

Our Governor handbook: Handbook for Governors

Our Governor Register of Interests can be found HERE

Attendance at meetings can be found HERE