Alkborough Primary School

SEN Pupil Voice

Pupil voice is extremely important here at Alkborough Primary School. We provide the avenues for children to have a voice that counts, a voice that is heard and a voice that runs alongside our ethos that 'everyone is welcome, everyone is included'.

 Recent Comments:


"When I am worried I will use my stress ball - it is a penguin".

Y4 SEND pupil

"ASET visits are good because they help me with my emotions and how I feel about them". 

Y5 SEND pupil


"I know that I have autism and that I am different to other people and that this is a good thing.  I know that people with autism struggle with their emotions.  My ear defenders help me at school as I don’t like noise.  Autism is all about how you express emotions". 

 "I worked hard and Miss was proud of me and I got Star of the Week.  At home and school  I need help with my emotions.  I have learnt how to control my anger when I lose at board games".  

 Y4 SEND pupil

"I feel  I do really well in Maths and English.  And I have already noticed I am making progress in year 5 - I can now do long division and long multiplication". 

Y5 SEND pupil

"I feel that the support I get from adults helps me in the lesson". 

Y6 SEND pupil

"I like playing on the gym equipment. And I am happy at school".

Y5 SEND pupil

"I feel I am doing well at school. “The older I am, the better I get”.

Y4 SEND pupil